Song-Ba Empowerment Centre is an organization set up to support women/girls in deprived areas of the Northern Region of Ghana with sustained source of livelihood. It serves as an avenue to empower women/girls who have not had the privilege of formal education, “kayayo girls”, teenage mothers and other vulnerable groups of women/girls to be able to earn a livelihood.

Our Mission
To restore hope among vulnerable women, young girls, and communities through vocational skills training.
Our Vision
Empower women and young girls in communities through vocational skills training to improve their own livelihood through appropriate and affordable alternatives
Main Objective
To provide a holistic transformation of women, young girls, and communities by offering vocational skills training, empowerment, and exposure to life-changing innovations.
Our Goal
To create and ignite a change from within each woman or girl through skills training to begin to experience their success and break the cycle of poverty, abuse, or limitations.
This project gives women and girls adequate skills that would create a livelihood to help support themselves and dependent family members. The Centre runs the following training: smock weaving, smock sowing, and tailoring, which pays them while they are still training

This project is geared towards reducing drastically the menace of “kayayo” which is widely practiced by young girls within the Northern Region of Ghana. The organization, therefore, engages young girls and their guardians in communities noted for the trade on its dangers and how detrimental it is to the girls and society.

As part of our projects, trainees are taken through the essence of a vision for living an ideal life. Coaches train women and girls on how to identify and set life goals, as well as how to achieve those goals. This is to empower their work towards a better life they have always dreamed of achieving. They are guided further to write down their life vision (for those who are able to write) and record their life visions, which they keep listening to over and over till they have been inspired to achieve those goals.

This project reaches out to women/girls in rural areas with user-friendly re-useable sanitary pads (DFG kits), as well as educating them on their reproductive health. The main target group is schoolgirls in rural areas; this is to prevent girls from staying away from school during their period due to a lack of menstrual hygiene management kits.

The Song-Ba Savings and Loans Association is a self-managed and self-capitalized saving group that helps the beneficiaries save monies from the sales of their produced products to lend to each other. This would transform the women, mobilizing local savings, which would provide the women with means to cope with emergencies, help manage household cash flow, build a capital base and crucially rebuild social networks, solidarity, and trust.

Want to partner and support us!
We are open to partnerships from groups, individuals, and corporate bodies that will help push this idea far beyond the seas.
Our Cherished Partners